Ready to get started?

BUZZ-creating, TRAFFIC-driving, FOOTFALL-helping, LEAD-generating, PROSPECT-nurturing, SALE-driving, GAME-changing or ADVOCATE-creating … your new brand and marketing programme is closer than you think.

What happens next?

Once you’ve sent over your details, you’ll have a new brand within weeks! Here’s how the process works.

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We listen to you

You brief us on your business, customers, brand (as it stands), competition, challenges and marketing efforts to date. You also tell us about your business goals (short and long term) and confirm your overall budget.

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We build you a brand

We use this info to build you a new visual identity (if needed) and brand messaging that makes a powerful promise your target customers will love, all packaged up in a brand bible to share with investors and your team.

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We get everything in order

Once you’ve signed the bible off, we’ll change your website and social media profiles to reflect the new branding and create a marketing strategy that will bring it to life exactly where your target audience will see it.

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It's showtime

If all goes well, you’ll see changes fairly quickly. But don’t be surprised if we suggest a few tweaks to make sure that every penny of your marketing spend is being put to good use. It’s then up to you how much you’re involved.

One last thing...

If you’re looking for a provider – a team to do just what you’ve asked, get paid and wait for your next call – that’s not us. We work like a partner; not a provider. Your business success is as much in our interest as it is in yours. So we’ll go above and beyond and we’ll say when things aren’t working (even if that means a reduction in fee for us). We’re after a collaborative relationship built on mutual respect and shared interests. If that sounds good, give us a call.